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CrySyS hacker team !SpamAndHex! goes to DEFCON CTF in Las Vegas

DEFCON CTF in Las Vegas – 07 Aug 2015

Our CTF team, !SpamAndHex qualified for the DEFCON CTF 2015 finals in Las Vegas. The competition is scheduled to start on August 7 and lasts for 3 days.

We are really proud of having achieved this for the first time in our history. There are many competitions all around, however, DEFCON CTF is among the most prestigious and difficult ones. At the same time, we are also the first Hungarian team to compete at the DEFCON finals. That’s why we’ll do our best to represent our country in Las Vegas this year.

More info on the CrySyS Student Core webpage (

Without our sponsors, it would be impossible to participate, huge thanks to them.

CrySyS – Ukatemi – Tresorit – Microsec – MRG Effitas – Z – Balabit – EvoPro – ESET – BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics – Carinex – Search-Lab

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